

Starch sieve


Starch sieve

With the strengths sieve, you can recognize your unique abilities and gain more self-confidence, more self-assurance, more joie de vivre and more motivation.

What motivates you to tackle your life day after day? What keeps you going, even when things get difficult?

You are a sophisticated marvel in which everything interlocks and interacts down to a thousandth of a millimeter. The result is a combination of skills and characteristics that are unique to you. What you can do, only you can do! However, we are often not even aware of our strengths and abilities. They are often like a buried treasure.

The strengths sieve is an interactive coaching method that allows you to discover your strengths. It’s not a tick-box test that puts you in a box, but you discover your own personal strengths step by step.

The result: you gain more self-confidence, more self-assurance, more joie de vivre and more motivation to tackle your life’s tasks. You know better what you want, can decide more easily on an apprenticeship or course of study and appear more confident in job interviews.

CARICO-COACHING has completely revised the popular coaching workshop, which has already been attended by over 1200 teenagers and young adults, and designed it as an online workshop with lots of interaction.

Individual coaching

In a 1:1 interview, we work with you to identify your personal strengths in 60 to 90 minutes.


In 90 minutes or 2 school lessons or as a project day, we conduct an entertaining and interactive workshop in your school class or youth group. Everyone develops their own personal strengths.

Online or in presence

We conduct the strengths screen as individual coaching or as a workshop on site or online.


Individual coaching costs 49 euros.
Online workshops cost 99 euros.

Face-to-face workshops by arrangement.


There’s more to you than you think! Apply for a scholarship today to discover your strengths.


Ask us whether we can apply for funding for a workshop.

Your coaches

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Become a sponsor
Request a workshop
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