
Overcoming obstacles

Setting and achieving goals

Overcoming obstacles

Setting and achieving goals

Discover our goal coaching: short, flexible exercises for your goals. Anytime, anywhere - start your path to success now!

Do you feel overwhelmed trying to achieve your goals and are looking for a flexible, effective solution?

Our goal coaching is a tailor-made coaching experience for young people who want to realize their dreams! Our unique offering is designed to help you achieve your goals – flexibly, efficiently and tailored to your lifestyle.

With “Coaching Snacks” we offer you an innovative concept: short, targeted exercises that you can complete in just a few minutes. These snacks are ideal for a quick motivational boost and can be easily integrated into everyday life. They are available anytime and anywhere, so you can use them at your own pace and according to your needs.

In addition to our free coaching snacks, we also offer more intensive, personal coaching sessions for those looking for more in-depth, tailored support. Start your journey to self-realization and personal success now. Discover how our goal coaching can bring you closer to your dreams step by step. We are here to accompany and support you on this journey. Take the first step and get closer to your goal!

Individual coaching

In a 1:1 meeting, we work with you in 60 to 90 minutes on how you can set and achieve your personal goals.


In 90 minutes or 2 school lessons or as a project day, we conduct an entertaining and interactive workshop in your school class or youth group. Everyone learns to set and achieve their own personal goals.

Online or in presence

We carry out our goal coaching as individual coaching or as a workshop on site or online.

Coaching snacks

The Coaching Snacks offer short, flexible exercises for goal-oriented growth – anywhere, anytime, at your own pace. You can snack on them for free here.


Individual coaching costs 49 euros.
Online workshops cost 99 euros.
Face-to-face workshops by arrangement.
The coaching snacks are free of charge.


There’s more to you than you think! Apply for a scholarship today to set and achieve your goals.


Ask us whether we can apply for funding for a workshop.

Your coaches

Apply for a scholarship
Become a sponsor
Request a workshop
Book individual coaching