Achieve goals

Welcome to the interactive target assessment checklist!

Here you have the opportunity to analyze and understand your personal goals in depth. Using eight targeted questions, you can rate your goal on a scale to gain clarity about its direction, feasibility and importance. Whether you are formulating a new goal or want to review the focus of an existing one, this checklist will help you to make your plan clear and achievable. Start now!

Check your goal

For a clear direction and successful implementation

A clearly defined path begins with a carefully examined goal. Know your purpose and the path to success will unfold before you.

Willkommen zur Zielbewertungs-Checkliste!

Hier kannst du dein persönliches Ziel anhand einer speziell entwickelten Skala analysieren. Jeder Punkt der Liste fordert dich dazu auf, über verschiedene Aspekte deines Ziels nachzudenken, von deinem eigenen Engagement bis hin zur Realisierbarkeit. Bewerte dein Ziel anhand der vorgegebenen Skalenwerte und erhalte ein klareres Verständnis davon, wo du stehst. Diese Checkliste ist dein Wegweiser für eine effektivere und durchdachtere Zielsetzung!

All coaching snacks

Which one would you like to start with?

Our goal coaching is also available as individual coaching or a workshop

Ask us for a non-binding quote.

Individual coaching

Do you have difficulty setting clear goals or achieving them? We cordially invite you to a personal one-to-one coaching session. We help you to clarify your goals, overcome obstacles and develop effective strategies. Use this opportunity to accelerate your path to success.

For young adults we offer our coaching for 35 euros.


Are you looking for an interactive and entertaining workshop for your group? Our offer is perfect for teenagers and young adults, whether in school classes, youth groups, university courses, vocational schools or online. We offer practical tools to help you set and achieve effective goals. If you want to invest in the future of your group, book our workshop. Together we pave the way to success. Start now and actively shape the future of your group!
