Achieve goals


Set behavioral goals that you can influence directly, rather than outcome goals that can depend on many factors.

Your behavior is the key to your goals.

Sarah’s secret to success: behavioral goals over outcome goals

Do you know that feeling when you set yourself a big goal but just can’t get anywhere? Maybe it’s time to rethink your approach.

Let’s take a journey into Sarah’s life. Sarah always wanted to get fitter. She initially set herself the goal of losing 10 kilos in three months. But despite all her efforts, she did not get any closer to this goal. She became frustrated because losing weight was influenced by so many external factors: Stress, diet, sleep, hormones – the list goes on.

But then Sarah discovered the key: instead of focusing on the end goal, she focused on behavioral goals. Instead of saying: “I want to lose 10 kilos”, she said: “I want to go to the gym three times a week” or “I want to eat a healthy salad for lunch every day”. These were things that she could influence directly.

The result? Sarah felt successful every day because she achieved her behavioral goals. And the best thing about it? By pursuing these goals, she actually came closer to her original goal of losing weight.

Practical ideas for you:

  • Set clear behavioral goals: Think about what daily or weekly activities can bring you closer to your bigger goal.
  • Celebrate small victories: Every time you achieve a behavioral goal, give yourself recognition. It builds self-confidence and motivates you to keep at it.
  • Review regularly: Take time to review your progress. If necessary, adjust your behavioral goals.

If, like Sarah, you want to learn to focus on what you can actually control, start with behavioral goals. They could be the key that helps you to finally move forward and experience the feeling of success on a daily basis.


Coaching Snacks is the innovative concept for anyone who wants to achieve their goals in a flexible and self-determined way. Just like at a snack buffet, you can choose from a variety of short, targeted coaching exercises that you can complete in just a few minutes. Whether you want to try out just one exercise or work through several at once – our coaching snacks adapt to your pace. Anytime, anywhere and at your own pace. While all of our online snacks are free, we also offer more intensive, in-person coaching sessions for those looking for more in-depth, customized support. Start now and snack your way to your goal!
